Jacob is 1 year old!
Here are Jacob’s 1 year old stats:
Weight: 18 lbs (15%)
Height: 30 inches (54%)
Clothing Size: 9-12 months
Diaper Size: size 4
Food: Whole milk 4x a day. He also east 3 meals a day. We got SO lucky, he will eat anything and everything we give him. Including one of our favorites, Indian.
Sleeping: Jacob naps 2x a day.
Milestones: He started to cruise (walk along while holding on to things). He loves cruising along the couch. When he reaches the end of the couch he turns around and gives me the biggest smile. Love seeing him so proud of himself!
He also LOVES to walk while holding your hands. My aunt, Aline took this video of us.Likes: Playing peek-a-boo, singing itsy bitsy spider, being outside, taking walks in his Radio Flyer and playing with his sister, Sarah.
Dislikes: Crawling for too long. He gets tried/cranky and starts yelling for us to get him.
Places we’ve seen/things we’ve done: We took a family trip to San Diego.It was hectic yet not horrible. Looking forward to when Jacob gets a little older so that we could more fun family trips like this.
We celebrated Jacob’s 1st Birthday with a Superhero party, sushi dinner, at school and at home with the family.Without any hesitations, he went right for his cake!
Holidays: We celebrated Purim! Jacob didn’t make it to the celebration at synagogue (read more about it here) but we did celebrate the holiday at his Babychino class. Sarah wore her Elsa costume and Jacob wore a Batman t shirt.
I don’t normally take pictures in this class since one of the program assistants take pics through out the class. I am so excited she was able to capture this AMAZING picture of Sarah (she came for this special celebration) and Jacob. In this special moment you cover your eyes while saying the Jewish prayer, Shema. The best part, I didn’t ask her to do this. All by herself, she chose to cover his eyes. I am so so proud of her!!! My favorite pictures of Jacob this month.
And because I love comparison pictures, here are Sarah and Jacob at their one year old photo shoots.
And just like that my baby is now a toddler. :(
See past posts here:
Jacob is 11 months old
Jacob is 10 months old
Jacob is 9 months old
Jacob is 8 months old
Jacob is 7 months old
Jacob is 6 months old
Jacob is 5 months old
Jacob is 4 months old
Jacob is 3 months old
Jacob is 2 months old
Jacob is 1 month old

[…] months // 3-6 months // 6-9 months // 9-12 months // 18 […]