Last month I won a Hip Hop Abs DVD from a blog I subscribe to. YAY! Go, me! Check out Gina’s blog here! There is a lot of useful info on her blog.
I’ve wanted to workout for some time now, but being a full-time mama and not having the assistance I need (my MIL lives in LA and hubby is still recovering from back surgery), I couldn’t figure out how to make it work.
Therefore I was really excited to win this DVD and be able to workout from home.
Needless to say, I haven’t even unwrapped the shrink-wrap :( I know what you are thinking, “What a wasteful win!” Sorry Gina :(
The problem with me is I put myself last.
If Sarah is not at school, mommy-and-me or busy attending one of the many Mommy Group events, then we are busy at home working on holiday projects, reading, learning, etc. I also choose to cook dinner EVERY night. So that means looking for recipes, food shopping, and cooking the meal itself.
Then there is our home. I clean and organize EVERYDAY. Laundry gets done weekly, but if Sarah has peed through her diaper (which happens too often lately), there are random times sheets need to be washed throughout the week. Then I also have to find time to shower, take care of myself and be a wife.
By the time I put Sarah down for a nap or for the night when I might have some time to workout, I choose to relax and re-energize for the remainder of the day/following day. Sometimes it includes things like Facebook, blogging (hello!), or planning the next big event/holiday! Sometimes I even nap! The truth is the last thing I want to do is work out. Plus Sarah’s room is close to the TV room. If she hears the fun music, she’s going to want to be up dancing beside me (she’s loves to dance!).
Those are my reasons; actually, my real-life problems.
So what does a busy mama do? Stay tuned because I actually have a plan!

My gym has a daycare. It’s $10 a month. I use to feel guilty about it, but I need it and Alex love it. I can’t do the workout at home thing, I always find excuses.
Cook every day??? Can’t you cook for a few days and rest? Think about yourself sometimes. Love you. I just got tayered just from reading all your activities…
That sounds great but unfortunately I can’t commit right now to a gym.
Ha ha ya I have a very spoiled hubby!
Power walk with Sarah in the stroller…take advantage of that fabulous LA weather! Yes, I am freezing and jealous…miss you lots. ;)
Miss you too babe! We constantly walk to the park but its not giving me any results :(