10 on 10 {June 2016}

10 pictures on the 10th day of the month.
{Document a snapshot of your life & find beauty among the ordinary things in your day!}
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I usually clean up after the kids go to bed, but I had no energy last night so this lovely mess was waiting for me in the living room. IMG_8648After I got Sarah ready for camp I sat with Jacob to eat breakfast. I decided not to spoon feed him  yogurt this time and it return he had lot’s of fun eating and playing. IMG_8649We got dressed and headed out to the grocery store. J was not feeling it. Poor kiddo is teething really bad. :(IMG_8654
We came back home and I put J down a for a nap. I got dinner together and cleaned up a bit. IMG_8657J woke up and we left to pick up Sarah from camp. The theme this week was Hawaii. Sarah was eager to show me the hula dance she learned. IMG_8663Next on the agenda was lunch and a play date at our friend, Nolan’s house. Lunch was a variety of things from Trader Joe’s. Yum, my kind of lunch!IMG_8664My favorite part about being a stay-at-home-mom are these play dates. The kiddos get to have fun while the mamas chat. Win-win!IMG_8670We hung out for a couple hours until it was time for Jacobs nap. Luckily he passed out in the car and was able to be transferred to his crib.
There is something so sweet about a boy holding his lovie. IMG_8677
We headed back home and got ready for Shabbat dinner. FullSizeRender(2)
After dinner and baths I went upstairs to work while I snacked on chocolate pretzels. My fav!!FullSizeRender(1)

And just like that our June 10th had come to an end.
Hope you had a nice 10th! 
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January (forgot to take pics)
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