10 on 10 {May 2016}

10 pictures on the 10th day of the month.
{Document a snapshot of your life & find beauty among the ordinary things in your day!}
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After I fed the kiddos breakfast and unloaded the dishwasher I made my self a cup a coffee.IMG_7447We headed out to our patio and watered our garden. IMG_7456I headed back inside to check email and blog while the kiddos played. IMG_7457
I just love my view.
After Jacob’s nap we met up with my sister-in-law and her kids at a play place. Unfortunately, I went to the wrong one at first. Ooops!IMG_7495IMG_7491 - fav IMG_7494IMG_7515IMG_7517After driving in an hour and half of in traffic I was exhausted and in no shape to cook dinner. So we picked up fast food and finally made it home. After dinner we headed outside to play with our neighbors. IMG_7570IMG_7573Hubby came home and took the kids for a ride while I got much needed down time. IMG_7580And just like that our May 10th had come to an end.
Hope you had a nice 10th! 


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