Show & Tell Tuesday – My Loves

I’m linking up with Andrea for Show and Tell Tuesday.

The theme this week is…Our loves.


Hubby and I have been together for 12 years!!! We dated for two years, engaged for two years and have been married now for 8 years. He’s the first one to make me laugh and the one that gets me. He’s my person. Through the bad, ugly and good. He’s also super private so I’m going to stop right here and leave you with this picture.


Sarah will be 6 years old in March. She is super messy, super dirty and super energetic. I wash her shoes and clothes more often then any other piece of laundry in the house. She doesn’t like to hear no. She doesn’t care about matching and staying clean is foreign to her. She’s girly and loves to accessorize, but her true passion is being outside. From bugs, to mud puddles to climbing trees you will find her outside with friends most of the day. She’s very silly and has the sweetest laugh. She loves to snuggle and bake with me. She’s my Aries baby and I wouldn’t have it any other way.  


Jacob will be 2 years old in April. Even though he’s not a baby anymore he wants to be treated like a baby. He loves trains, trash trucks, cars and balls. He likes exploring and trying new foods and things. He wants to hold your hand and loves wearing hats. He LOVES hard. If he’s not on me, he’s beside me, watching me and waiting for his turn to be loved. Whoever gets him out of the crib is the person that needs to love on him for the afternoon. He gives the best hugs. His wet kisses are our family favorite and we can’t imagine like without him.  

 So there you have it, my three loves.

Happy Tuesday and Happy Valentine’s Day!

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