Bumpdate: 7 Months

IMG_5247How far along: Week 28 (3rd trimester!!!!)

Baby is as big as a: Head of cauliflower (16 in, 2.5 lbs)

Movement: I’m feeling a lot of movements. I could even see when the baby moves around!

What I miss: WINE! I went out the other night with my mommy friends and all I wanted was a big glass of red wine :(

Cravings: Chocolate almond milk. My new favorite (and Sarah’s too)!choAversions: Fish (again!)

Symptoms: Lot’s of pelvic pressure.

Countdown: 12 weeks!

Gender: Not finding out!

Milestones: I checked out Stroller Strides with some of my mama friends and let’s just say my pelvic pressure that I’ve been having was at its all time high! I was in some serious groin pain. I felt like such a wimp. But with baby measuring small and lot’s of pelvic pressure I need to take it easy. However I’m looking forward to joining the mamas once I pop this baby out.

Sarah is very excited to be a big sister! She loves feeling for baby and touching my tummy. While reading a book before nap time the other day, baby kicked her back and Sarah turned around and said, “Hey!” I told her that baby is moving a lot now so she might feel some kicks while sitting on me. She responded with, “Can I feel her?” (Sarah thinks I’m having a girl, but then sometimes she thinks I’m having a boy.)IMG_4882Where has the bump been: Monthly pictures of my baby bump at fun places.

At Sarah’s school. Waiting for the kids to come in after recess for a Tu Bishvat project.IMG_5185To see past Bumpdates click below.

3 months

4 months

5 months

6 months

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