10 pictures on the 10th day of the month.
Check out last month’s post here.
Here is a sneak peek of our day!
Sarah had a difficult night last night. I went in a couple times to soothe her, but by 6ish I was done. I decided to wake up hubby and he took over so I could get some sleep.
Hubby had to work at home today so Sarah and I headed out for a mommy and me breakfast.
Sarah connects the dots while we wait for our food.
Stuffed and ready for our day!
After breakfast we headed off to run some errands. First stop, Target.
We got home and hung out for a while. I put Sarah down for a nap and took a nap myself.
She didn’t end up napping so we both were a little bit grumpy.
We watched some TV while I relaxed on the couch.
For snack I made some homemade popcorn.
Most of the day was spent on the couch or just relaxing at home playing with toys.
For dinner I made Baked Ziti.
I unfortunately had no appetite. Sarah didn’t eat it and hubby said it was just ok so I didn’t really miss out.
This pregnancy has not been fun. Last night hubby and I went out to dinner for our anniversary and I didn’t finish my dessert. I rarely (if ever) don’t eat my chocolate dessert. I love chocolate!!
Hope you had a great 10th!