I’m linking up with Shay and Sheaffer for some random monthly fun.
What we’re eating this week…
Thanks to our wonderful tomato crop this year I have been enjoying our sungold tomatoes with eggs and cheese (from our trip to Sonoma).

Every week my kids make a request that I make them schnitzel (check out my recipe here). It’s a crowd favorite and the leftovers are great for lunch the next day.

Sarah wanted steak one evening so steak, garlic green beans and cous cous were on the menu.

What I’m reminiscing about…
We spent 3 wonderful days with my family from Israel in San Francisco. Plus it was so nice to show the kiddos where hubby and I got engaged.

What I’m loving…
I recently went on a girls trip (more on that later) where I was introduced to the best tumbler ever! For those that know me personally, know I carry water with me at all times. Well on this trip a couple of girls had these tumblers for their beverages and I was hooked. I’ve bought a set (from Costco) and have converted my whole family who’s also obsessed!

What we’ve been up to…
The kiddos have started school! Sarah is in 3rd grade and Jacob is on his 2nd year of preschool. Next year the kiddos will be in the same school! Hooray!

What I’m dreading…
What I’m working on…
Being a better blogger! I have had such amazing opportunities that I have had to unfortunately rejected due to time, but now with both kids in school full time I am going to really concentrate on this blog. PS there’s my favorite tumbler again.

What I’m excited about…

For over 8 years I’ve been catering to little people. Now that both kids are in school full time, I’m going to work on being a better Sharon. I don’t know what that means entirely, but the first time in a long time I’m going to discover me again.
What I’m watching/reading…

Hubby and I have been watching the Beverly Hills 90210 reboot show, BH90201. Its cheesy, but we are watching it as it had a lot of meaning for us both in our teens.

What I’m listening to…
Michael Buble came out with a new song. It’s the sweetest song, but grab a tissue before watching.
What I’m wearing…
I got a few outfits for the girls trip a few weeks ago. This blue romper and straw bag was a fun combo.

What I’m doing this weekend…
Going to the pool, beach, LAST concert in the park and a even date night. Happy Labor Day, friends!
What I’m looking forward to next month…
Celebrating the Jewish holiday Rosh Hashanah, cooler weather and all things fall.

What else is new…
Last year I met a great group of mama friends through Jacob’s preschool. To celebrate the first day of school we took our selves to a resort for the day. So fun!!

Happy Wednesday!