Friday Favorites

Friday FavoritesHello friends! Welcome to Friday Favorites!

Today I am linking up with Erika, Narci and Andrea.


A few friends and I hosted a triple shower (or is it called a drizzle the third time around?). It was a beautiful morning celebrating our sweet friends. These ladies are my FAVORITE!13221451_10157011271925571_6438220769575441071_n 13244598_10157011272055571_3239034860764384564_n-TWO-

My sister-in-law and her kids are visiting from South Africa. Seeing the kiddos play together has been my FAVORITE thing to do this week! We took them to our mommy and me class and to the farm. IMG_7791 IMG_7801 IMG_7814 IMG_7834


Hubby and I went on a super fun date. First we hit up the near by college town for a FAVORITE spot to eat. We even got to try their magic sauce. Then we went to a Jewel concert. She is quite the storyteller! Spending time with this guy is my FAVORITE!IMG_7862 IMG_7895FullSizeRender-FOUR-

Sarah had her 5 year well visit. This silly girl is my FAVORITE!IMG_7903


I made this yummy dish for dinner this week. Sarah ate an entire mushroom pizza. It has become our FAVORITE!IMG_7904

A not so FAVORITE thing happened this week. Both J and I had appointments for the lab. Jacob got his second set of vaccines and I had my blood drawn to check out some things.

If you are the praying type, please pray that my tests come back fine. xo

Hope you had great week! Happy Friday friends. 

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