For a while now I’ve been hearing the buzz about “salt spas”, but never had a chance to check it out. I finally grabbed a few girlfriends and made it out to Halo Salt Spa.

What is a Salt Spa? According to the sweet owner, Ali, it’s the best room for you to sit (or even lay) in. Dry Salt Spa also known as Halotherapy, benefiting adults and children alike, as well as athletes. It is natural, safe and there are no harmful side effects.

We sat in their salt room for 45 minutes taking it all in. Some of us chatted while one mama took a little power nap.

Using a salt vaporizer the room is filled with a fine, breathable salt that doesn’t irritate your skin or cause choking and instead helps to purify your skin and clear up any respiratory issues that may be felt on a day-to-day basis. They even provide tissues around the room as lot’s of visitors end up clearing out their sinus by just breathing the fresh air.

For general respiratory hygiene, visiting Halo Salt spa once or twice a week will enhance the lung capacity, boost immune system, reduce stress and help promote sleep.
The high mineral content of the therapeutic grade salt is an effective natural treatment for asthma, acne, allergies, eczema, sinusitis, psoriasis, COPD bronchitis, and emphysema.
My favorite part was playing with the salt.

They also provide a special toddler time at 10 am and 4pm. This “class” is especially for the kids. The kids can dig in the salt with sand toys (provided), read books or just hang out in the salt room.
For $30 they also have Kundalini Yoga classes inside the salt room.
Even the bathroom has a couple salt scrubs by the sink.

What you need to know?
Monday: Closed
Tuesday – Friday: 10 am – 7 pm
Saturday & Sunday: 10 am – 4 pm
Salt sessions are $25 per visit. Or a 3 pack is $60.
Want a free session? Call Halo Salt Spa at (805) 497-7111 and mention this post for your first free session.