Today I am linking up with Erika, Narci and Andrea to share our Friday Favorites.
Starting the week off after an amazing trip to Portland was not easy. Being a stay at home mama to this little guy makes things easier. Shh don’t tell Sarah, he’s my FAVORITE. ;)
I haven’t been feeling well this week, but I decided to go to Yoga anyways. My class was not easy, but seeing my stats on my watch was my FAVORITE.
I grabbed a bar of Moonstruck 68% dark chocolate while I was at Powell’s Books. This has definitely been a FAVORITE this week. FOUR
Sarah finished school this week at 12:15 pm due to parent teacher conferences. So I decided to take both kiddos out for lunch on Friday. Hanging out with them is my FAVORITE. Soon they will be to old to hang out with their mama.
I’m down for the count. My throat hurts, my body aches and my energy is way down. Hoping my FAVORITE Jewish penicillin helps this mama out!Happy Friday, friends!