Chanukah {2018}

I’m just now getting around to sorting through my pictures from Chaunkah and it was already one month ago! So here we go…

We welcomed Chanukah with a surprise breakfast!

We had chocolate milk, doughnuts and make your own yogurt parfaits.

We had such a fun morning!

Night #1

Our day started with a visit to our local zoo for their Snow Festival.

Then we headed to Sarah’s Hebrew School for their Chanukah party.

We spent the 1st night at our friends house. However I didn’t get any pictures (which is such a shame since she puts so many details in her parties) accept for Jacob playing dreidel with the other kids at the party.

Night #2

On the 2nd night we went to Chabad’s candle lighting party. Due to the Woolsey fires our community had a special presentation for them. In return they passed out chocolate gelt (gold coins).

Night #3

On the 3rd night we went to Chabad’s kids program at a local play place. We learned how to make olive oil from pressed olives, played and ate sufganiyot.

Night #4

Earlier in the day, I picked my order of munchkins from Dunkin Doughnuts. Did you know DD makes special munchkins for Chanukah?

On the 4th night we had our neighbors over for dinner. I made our favorite latkes bar

Night #5

On the 5th night we stayed in and had baked mac & cheese. I found these cute Chanukah shaped noodles at Homegoods.

Night #6

We stared the day in Jacob’s class for a Chanukah party. The kids danced, made crafts and we sat down for sufganiyot and coffee.

The 6th night was also Shabbat. I loved seeing my table lit up!

Night #7

The 7th night was also my 37th birthday! We stared the morning with doughnuts in bed (our family tradition) and then headed to downtown LA to play with snow at Snow Day LA.

Night #8

We started the day with a birthday breakfast at a nearby cafe.

We came back napped and hung out at home playing dreidel.

It’s hard having a birthday on a major holiday so I want to take a minute thank everyone for all the birthday love!

Happy holidays from my family to yours! Thank you for filling my home with all your smiling faces. I loved getting your cards so much that they are still hanging up.

And in case you were part of the dozen cards that we received back from the post office due to some crazy mailing errors then here is our card this year.

To see previous posts click below.

Chanukah 2017

Chanukah 2016

Chanukah 2015

Chanukah 2014

Chanukah 2013

Chanukah 2012

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