After celebrating Jacob’s 3rd birthday at home, we continued the celebration a few weeks later with a special hair cutting ceremony! We went with the Cars movie theme since he is OBSESSED with anything that has wheels. He is also a big fan of the movie Cars so it was a really an easy decision.

This party however wasn’t just a normal party. It was his special hair cutting ceremony. Even though this is a Jewish tradition and not a law we must follow, we decided follow the tradition of not cutting our son’s hair until the age of 3.

We sent out an Evite and included this poem with the invitation. I framed the poem for the party.

We used the stage (or bimah in Hebrew) for the hair cut ceremony.

My sweet friend, Whitney, made this sign for the party. I love her handwriting!

We had Jacob walk in first. His reaction was the best!

As much as I love taking pictures, I have a really hard time taking pictures when I host something. I like to be in the moment. Between my handful of pictures and pictures from family and friends, I gathered what I could. Unfortunately we didn’t hire a photographer for this party but wish we did.
The Details
The dessert table! I never got a picture with the cake on it, but the table came out really cute. We used tire float rings under the table to give the illusion of a car.

Doc’s Traffic Signals were red strawberries, yellow pineapple and green grapes.

Luigi’s Spare Tired as Oreos.

Mater’s Tow Cables as Red Vines.

McQueen nuts and bolts as trail mix.

The cake was amazing! Sprinkles ‘n Cream made my idea come to life! Not only was the cake cute, but it was also delicious!!

She also made these adorable stick shifts cake pop!

The Fueling Station was really fun spot! Coolant as lemonade and iced tea as the transmission fluid.

Dinner included lasagna, Alfredo, eggplant parmesan, plain noodles, salads and pizza. I thought it would be cute to have the red, yellow and green plates for a light.

The tables alternated from red and black tablecloth. The centerpieces were a project hubby put together. He drilled holes in red cones and then placed 2 race flags sticking out.

Walking into the main room there were streamers and more pictures on the birthday boy.

I made a #3 with some of our favorite pictures of the birthday boy.

We rented a bouncy house for the kiddos outside.

Inside we had a tattoo station called Ramon’s Tattoo shop.

The hair cut ceremony started with our immediate family, extended family and then friends. Jacob did really well! He’s shy and doesn’t like a lot of attention so it was a bit hard at first for him.

Our guests didn’t cut all of his hair. We went to a barber shop for his first real haircut.

After the haircut ceremony a boy wears a kipah for the first time. We bought him a McQueen themed kipah and he loves it!

For party favors we had baggies with a car and lollipop.

We ended the party with a birthday wish from the birthday boy!

Happy 3rd Birthday, my love!