I am half way through my whole30 journey and I’ve noticed how much almond milk I’m consuming. If it’s not in my coffee then it’s in our afternoon smoothies.
So one day I thought, “hey I should make to make my own almond milk!”
So I did!
It’s very simple and tastes really yummy!
Step 1: Blend a bag of raw almonds with 3.5 cups of water.Step 2: Strain mixture into a nut bag or use a cheese cloth like I did. (I think the nut bag is a better way to go next time. It was a hot mess at one point.)
Step 3: Use your hands and squeeze out the liquid.
Step 4: Put milk back into the blender and add 1 tsp of cinnamon and 1 tsp of vanilla.
Step 5: Blend until smooth.
It was so yummy and creamy. Mmmm I could drink it by the gallon!
I highly recommended making your own.
Have you tried the whole30 plan? What’s your tips?

[…] cup greek yogurt 1/2 cup milk of your choice (see my almond milk recipe here) 1/2 cup […]