Toddler Ballet and Tap

For the past few months Sarah has been attending Ballet with her friend, Charlize or as Sarah calls her Charlie.

IMG_1452For those who know Sarah, you know that anytime she hears a beat she is off dancing! She enjoys dancing so much, I knew I had to sign her up for dance classes.

I bought her a bag and ballet shoes at Payless ShoeSource. Both items are cute and simple enough for this stage of ballet.


Next was finding leotards. A few days after I purchased the bag and shoes, I found a pink and black leotard on the swap and sell websites for moms. Score!

With her new gear in tow, we headed for class. Her first class was “tutu” cute! They pranced around the room, jumped through hula hoops and played with scarves.

IMG_1399IMG_1400IMG_1401IMG_1406IMG_1414IMG_1408IMG_1427IMG_2528We even had a private class one week as kids were either out sick or on vacation.

IMG_3181IMG_3188IMG_3186The bar was used at the end of each class so that the kids could shuffle with their tap shoes.

IMG_1428IMG_3193After the first class, Sarah walked around the carpet at home (as she did in class), practicing her heel/toe moves.

IMG_1438IMG_1439 Every class ended with stickers and a curtsey.

IMG_1451Unfortunately, the teacher had jury duty one week and another week she was out ill. With a community center class of this type, there isn’t usually another teacher available to step in and provide continuity. Unfortunately, we had to make the decision to not continue after the semester ends. Instead we plan to check out a new activity in the Spring.

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too bed, i am sure she could be a great balerina! loved the pics.

[…] When Sarah was 2, I signed her up for a Toddler Ballet and Tap class through the rec center. She went with her friend Charlie and absolutely LOVED it, but I didn’t. Read more about our experience here. […]

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