Yom Kippur {2014}

We normally stay at the hotel with the rest of the congregants on Yom Kippur (also known as a Day of Atonement), but this year the hotel sold out really quick. No one wants to walk in this crazy So Cal heat so I was not completely surprised it sold out.

Just bummed we couldn’t join like we did in the past.

Yom Kippur is a holiday were Jews fast for 25 hours. That means no use of electricity, no showering, no driving and of coarse not eating or drinking for 25 hours.

We do this fast to seek forgiveness by praying and confessing throughout the day. 

To prep for this “holiday” hubby and I stalk up on our favorite beverages. We drink a combination of water and Gatorade for the 2 days leading up to the fast. 


To physically prepare for the fast we visit a body of water and throw out our sins. 


I make my usual Yom Kippur dinner of Honey Lemon Chicken with Rice and Carrots.


It’s sweet, savory and fills you up. I pair that with a salad, bread and some kind of dessert.

Staying home was weird. Sarah got bored indoors and wanted to play outside. We love playing with her outside, but with the heat and not being able to drink it was hard.

Normally we would take her to the kids room where she could play with all the kids and the “new” toys. 

Somehow we managed and took shifts staying indoors.

Next year we will be more prepared and schedule our hotel stay in advance.

Gmar chatima tova (May you be inscribed (in the Book of Life) for Good!).

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Clarissa Riggio

Interesting to know about this holiday!

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