I’m always looking for fun ideas to do with my mommy group. So when I came across a bloggers tradition to host a Wacky White Elephant gift exchange I was excited to try it out. I gathered my girls and hosted it at my place.
The gifts. Some mamas even brought two gifts the exchange.
To complete the gift exchange, you need nibbles. Everyone was asked to bring something savory or sweet to share. Since it was at my house I had the leisure to do something that didn’t travel well. I chose to do chocolate fondue.
I found an easy recipe online and made it while my guests started to arrive.3 step chocolate fondue:
1 1/2 cups semi sweet chocolate chips
1/2 cup heavy whipping cream
1 tsp vanilla
I found these napkins at Target on clearance for $.50!!Drink station – my friends bought wine since I felt weird buying it at the store.
I love getting together with my girlfriends!