As a coffee lover I was super excited to check out the new Keurig 2.0!
I don’t just love coffee, I might be addicted to it. Without a cup of coffee first thing in the morning I’m not really approachable.
Luckily the Keurig 2.0 solves many of my problems.
1. Hubby doesn’t drink coffee so it’s wasteful if I were to make a whole pot of coffee just for me.
2. The timer is great! I can set one cup of coffee to brew on my time.
3. Since my guests and I have different palates, we each get to pick our own flavor from the numerous K-Cups choices.
4. For big groups I can brew a carafe using a K-Carafe from the same machine I brew a single K-Cup.
This machine is so awesome I invited a few of my friends to check it out.
I made boxed pumpkin bread and blueberry muffins (recipe can be found here) to snack on.
The kids played while we tested out the coffee.
We all loved the simplicity of the machine and how it could change from different flavors. Those K-Cups are so easy to use!
Thank you girls for the fun morning!
This post was written as part of my participation in the House Party program. While Keurig provided me material and necessary resources to complete various activities, the thoughts and statements in this post are my own.

[…] zombie. After I made Sarah’s lunch and popped two waffles in the toaster I ran over to the coffee machine. J and I spent a couple hours on the couch. I was just not able to move. At some point I got up […]
[…] I was a big fan of getting that perfect latte at Starbucks until I got the Keurig 2.0 coffee machine. […]