Today I am linking up with Erika, Narci and Andrea to share our Friday Favorites!
Jacob and I ditched school yesterday to meet up with my cousin who is in town from Florida. We spent the day in LA, eating cupcakes, and going out to lunch. Spending time with him is my FAVORITE.TWO
We spent the afternoon a friends house baking cupcakes. Watching these kids giggle was my FAVORITE.THREE
I saw this on Facebook the other day and laughed. Putting gas in my car is NOT my FAVORITE. I’m definitely the one on the right. FOUR
I love cooking for my family, but I don’t love how much time some dishes take. Thanks to my Whole 30 plan my kitchen is being worked overtime. Luckily I found some new shortcuts to make dinner easier. Definitely a new FAVORITE!
My friend recently gave birth to a super cute baby boy. So I brought my FAVORITE breakfast over to her house and met the baby. SIX
The other day we were going out to dinner when Sarah noticed we were all wearing vests. So we got hubby to grab a picture and made a mental note that we need to get hubby one too. Twining with my kiddos is my FAVORITE.SEVEN
Weekly Facetime with my nieces and nephews is my FAVORITE. I so wish they lived closer. :(Happy Friday, friends!