I had all these plans last week for Dr. Seuss’ birthday, but then Sarah got really sick and then I got sick and well I gave up on it.
A few days ago I took Sarah with me to Trader Joe’s. I normally don’t take her with me, but I only needed a few things. After picking up a few things in the produce area we passed by the sample counter. Not only do we get to try new foods, they also give you the recipe! I have put together great dinners from their sample counter.
This time they were sampling pesto cheese. I didn’t think Sarah was interested, but she gobbled up my sample and asked for more. As soon as I grabbed the second sample, my Dr. Seuss’ birthday ideas came back into the picture.
I grabbed a few more things and headed home. My Dr. Seuss Sunday brunch was in the works. I planned on making his famous green eggs and ham, but with a twist.
Since we keep a Kosher kitchen, I was not going to make ham. Instead I bought a package of frozen shredded hash browns.
Then I grabbed a handful on spinach, two eggs and pureed it in my Bullet (best little gadget ever! Thanks MIL!).
I planned on making scrambled eggs, but as I poured the mixture in Sarah was calling my attention. Omelet it is!
It was delish! All three of us really enjoyed breakfast. You could barely taste the spinach! Definitely planning on making this whacky looking breakfast again.
Happy birthday Dr. Seuss! Thank you for your interesting books. Even though I didn’t read your books when I was young, Sarah is enjoying them. Her favorite Dr. Seuss book is Mr. Brown Can Moo, Can You?
What’s your favorite Dr. Seuss book?

I am so happy that yo tried something new and that all your family liked it. Good for you Sharon! love you.